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Albert Yohay (1931-2008)




Albert Yohay, born in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1931; he passed away in 2008, In Egypt he was a member in the Zionist Youth Organization "Ha-Shomer Ha-tzau'ir" and has done an "aliya" [immigration to Israel] in 1950. He lived in Kibutz Mishmar Ha-Emek until he was recruited into the IDF. Since 1958 until 1962 he learned in Avni Institute, Tel-Aviv. While having teachers/tutors, e.g. Shtreichman, Steimatzky, Kriza, Mokdi and Argov, which most of them are considered as the "New Frontier" founders in Israel. His artistic language was influenced by them greatly and he perceived himself as their heir through his artistic characteristics. In 1963 he had won the silver medal in the international exhibition assigned for young artists, Rome. Following the scholarship he received, he went to Paris and there he learned painting and engraving in Ecole des Beaux Arts Institute (1963-1965). Oil paintings were sent to the above exhibition.

His work belonged to the lyric abstract art category. He painted with panda paints upon paper or carton while crumbling and smashing the colour into the paper. His works resembling, a bit, to oil works. In his pictures it is possible to notice often in semi-abstract figures which evolve and develop out of nowhere within the abstract space; and sometimes within an imaginary abstract landscape.

He was a member in the Painters and Sculptures Association in Tel Aviv and for several years he acted as the association's secretary.

In 1997 he was invited to Paris, to stay in the Cite International des Arts, there he used to stay for long period of time, and there created and exhibited several solo exhibitions.

To the arts' group of "Color in Nature" he acknowledged in 1997. He took care upon himself to forge the group in artistic aspect, used as a tutor/teacher, moderator and as the group's curator. He chose the title of the group and accompanied it for several years. Lived and created in Tell-Aviv.

Curator's works

  • 1987 – Curator of Israeli artists exhibition, 60 years of Bat Yam
  • 1993 – Curator of "Artist Choice", Artist's House, Tel-Aviv.


  • "Gazit" Art Journal, volume 369-372, 1976.


  • Silver medal in Young Artists Exhibition, Rome, 1963. Oil paints.

Group Exhibitions:

  • 1975 – New Gallery, Tel-Aviv 1962 – Rothschild Museum, Tel-Aviv
  • 1975 – Chamerinsky Gallery, Tel-Aviv 1981 – Israeli Artists, Frankfurt.
  • 1976 – Art seat, Holon 1985 – Landscapes from Genesis, Yad Labanim, Petakh Tikva.
  • 1978 – Artists' House, Jerusalem Israeli Artists, 60 years of Bat Yam 1987 -
  • 1984 - Tova Osman's Gallery, Tel-Aviv - The lyric paint, Art Seat, Holon1988
  • 1984 - Artists' House, Jerusalem 1990 - Panda without rules, Yad Labanim, Petakh Tikva.
  • 1985 – a guest artist in Karmiel Municipality 1991 – Artist's house, Tel-Aviv.
  • 1985 - Tova Osman's Gallery, Tel-Aviv 1991 – With Painting pad in the landscape, Artists house, Tel-Aviv
  • 1986 - Art seat, Holon 1992 – Exhibition in Blue, Artists house, Tel-Aviv
  • 1991 - Art seat, Holon 1992 – An exhibition of five, Bar David Museum, Kibutz Bara'am
  • 1993 – Ophelia gallery, Ra'anana. 1992 – Panda without rules, wandering exhibition, Popular Art.
  • 1993 – a guest artist, Efrat gallery, Ra'anana. 1993 – Wine and Colour, painting exhibition in the winery, Rishon Le-Zion
  • 1995 – Bar David Museum, Kibutz Bara'am 1993 -Gradk Museum, Zagreb
  • 1979-1980 – Dugit Museum, Tel-Aviv 1885 – Maccabi Association, Worldwide movement Tel Aviv, Mexico
  • 1997 – 2000 – Sita "International Art Centre", Paris 1995 – 28th international festival, Cannes sur mere, France.
  • 2005 – The Bible House Museum, Tel-Aviv 1995 – All in proportion, painters' association, Tel-Aviv
  • 2007 – Alternative Gallery, Tel-Aviv 1997 – Bank Hapoalim in art
  • 1997 – Peace sport and Aliya, The art centre, Rishon Le-zion
  • 2000 – Autumns' Saloon, Paris, France
  • 2007 – The contemporary wing. Khanita museum.

Solo Exhibitions:

  • 1975 – New Gallery, Tel-Aviv
  • 1975 – Chamerinsky Gallery, Tel-Aviv
  • 1976 – Art seat, Holon
  • 1978 – Artists' House, Jerusalem
  • 1984 - Tova Osman's Gallery, Tel-Aviv
  • 1984 - Artists' House, Jerusalem
  • 1985 – a guest artist in Karmiel Municipality
  • 1985 - Tova Osman's Gallery, Tel-Aviv
  • 1986 - Art seat, Holon
  • 1991 - Art seat, Holon
  • 1993 – Ophelia gallery, Ra'anana.
  • 1993 – a guest artist, Efrat gallery, Ra'anana.
  • 1995 – Bar David Museum, Kibutz Bara'am
  • 1979-1980 – Dugit Museum, Tel-Aviv
  • 1997 – 2000 – Sita "International Art Centre", Paris
  • 2005 – The Bible House Museum, Tel-Aviv
  • 2007 – Alternative Gallery, Tel-Aviv